Beat the Grandma 2013

BEAT the GRANDMA 5K   Age/Gender Handicap Time Standards Race Links 2015 RESULTS DIRECTIONS  Official Entry Form COMMENTS Photo Gallery 2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2016  PIC 2017 2018  2019  2020 

Beat the Grandma 2013

Beat the Grandma 2013 version got super sized with a new trail added and a more spectator friendly course which brought the runners past the start/finish area at the one and two mile marks.

Results for 2013


1. SYDNEY HARDY...15:55(20:55); 2. ELLEN DYKSTRA...16:01(27:01); 3. JERRI WHITE-HASKINS...18:20(30:20); 4. JERRY JOHNCOCK....19:24(34:24); 5. CHRIS SANTANA...19:45; 6. DANIELLE FAITH...20:48(25:48); 7. MARGE NOVAK...20:55(35:55); 8. ED GRUBE...21:04(22:34); 9. LOREN REDDER...21:06(28:06); 10. MARLENE KIES...22:01(29:01); 11. BRUCE BUURSTRA....22:06; 12. RANDY WINCHESTER...22:10(26:10); 13. ANNA MITTERLING...22:41(27:41); 14. DOUG HARMON...22:45(27:45); 15. HANNAH RINGER...22:55(27:55); 16. RECHY RODRIGUEZ...23:09; 17. RED ROCKET...23:19(28:19); 18. KIM DORER...23:28(30:28); 19. LISA SNYDER...24:19(32:19); 20. ANNA ROKIS....24:29(29:29); 21. MILES DROSKI...24:33(28:33); 22. ERIC SNYDER...24:34; 23. JACK DORER...24:55(28:55); 24. JASON RICHARDS AKA "CHIP DOUGLAS"...25:43; 25. CAMILLE EMIG...25:48(31:48); 26. OLIVIA KEINATH...25:52(30:52); 27. THERESA COUND...27:13(37:13); 28. YESTA ALCAUTER...27:39(32:39); 29. KATRINA DROSKI...27:58(33:58); 30. JUAN GARCIA...29:43; 31. LINDSEY HASKINS...30:00(35:00); 32. LISBET BRITO...30:14(35:14); 33. CHELSEA RINGER...30:29(35:29); 34. MATT PELESS...31:03; 35. ASHLEY HALL...31:12(36:12); 36. MICHELLE LEASURE...31:27(37:27); 37. HANNAH BOSHOVEN...31:50(36:50); 38. ROBERTA TOPPER...32:17(41:17); 39. STACY KOSLEK...32:15(38:15); 40. CAROLYN McELWEE...32:55(37:55); 41. KURT DORER...33:07(34:37); 42. AMBER BORR...33:12(38:12); 43. SHERRY MEDLEY...33:23(41:23); 44. NOAH McGOVERN...34:32; 45. HARRISON DICOCCO...34:39; 46. IAN KIRKWOOD...35:06; 47. TRACE DICOCCO...35:08(41:38); 48. AMANDA KRUM...36:0342:03); 49. EMMA RINGER...36:27(41:27); 50. ED MUCCIO...37:05(43:05); 51. JANET RINGER...37:26(47:26); 52. KRISTINA BALDWIN...37:27(43:27); 53. ALICIA BAXTER...37:52(42:52); 54. JESSICA KRUM...37:53(42:53); 55. KELLEY McCARTHY...40:25(45:25); 56. YAQUELIN HERNANDEZ...40:27(45:27); 57. MIKE BALDWIN...43:22(44:52); 58. NINA DEVRIS...52:06(58:06); 59. JANE DEVRIS...1:05:15(115:15)  

Thanks for coming out to play- Gma

The "Grandma's" Came Out in Style!!!

Way to Go!!!

See you all July 4th for the T-Rex!!
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