2009 Results
Like the making of Grandma's Famous Cookie Recipe...this page is still a work in progress...so keep checking back and we will complete the results as soon as possible. P.S. this will take a little longer than average...Grandma has dial up!
2009 Race Recap:
It is always exciting to run on a new race course, this year's version of Beat the Grandma was held at the John Ball Park ZOO. An all down hill, wind to your back race that only featured one small hill at the end and everyone seemed to handle that hill pretty good or at least came away with a feeling of accomplishment knowing that they conquered what was needed to be conquered! As with all handicap head start races runners seem to get caught up in all the excitement of the start and if the music didn't get you pumped up and send you off on a fast start the downhill did! By mile three would emerge this year's victors as Caroline Cook and Mike Woodbeck emerged as the first female annd male over all winners.
1.Caroline Cook...f49...14:04(22:37); 2. Jill Evers-Bowers...f42...14:40(21:25); 3. Ellen Dykstra-Wilcox...f53...15:37(25:07); 4. Mike Woodbeck...m51....16:08(19:23); 5. Deb Taylor...f43...16:11(23:11); 6. Pat Dancey...f67...16:47(31:47); 7. Sherrie Town...f-45...18:10(25:40; 8. Jerrie Matthews...f45...18:24(25:54); 9. Carla Schut...f60...18:31(40:01); 10. Rich Sholtis II...m18...18:35; 11. Cotre Winegard....f27...18:36(23:36; 12. Eric Reidsma...m46...18:37(20:27); 13. Mary Jo Hennessey...f44...18:40(25:55); 14. Bill McInnis...m52...18:46(22:16); 15. Simon Reidsma...m15...18:50; 16. Logan Hammer....m-13...19:06(21:06); 17. Mike Kersjes...m18...19:17; 18. 18. Kevin Holmes....m52....19:18(22:48); 19. Meredith Butkus...f30..19:50(25:50); 20. Christopher Ellens...m11...20:31(22:31); 21. Andrew Reidsma...m17...20:32; 22. Lisa Verwys...f24...20:34(25:34); 23. Todd Foster...m48...20:35(22:50); 24. Colleen Sholtis...f52...20:37(29:52); 25. Tim Lunger...m50...20:51(23:51); 26. Jacob Witte...m18...20:53; 27. Harold Krieger...m74...20:57(31:57); 28. Matthew O Riley...m34...20:58; 29. Elyssa Snow...f17...20:59(25:59); 30. Steven Nicolet...m40...21:08(21:53); 31. Michelle Sanchez...f22...21:09(26:09); 32. Miguel Sarachaga....m35...21:17(21:47); 33. Susan Molloy f59...21:19(32:19); 34.Todd Swanson...m48...21:42(23:57); 35. Suzanne Kozloski...f59...21:59(32:59); 36. Modesso Castillo...m40...22:09(22:54); 37. Nicole Riley...f35...22:10(28:10; 38. Tom Wilcox...m54...22:13(26:13); 39. Julie Dahlquist...f25...22:26(27:26); 40. Trevor Clark...m29....21:41; 41. Henry Schaub...m16...22:46; 42. Mark Schaub...m44...22:55(24:25); 43. Dan Sytsma...m44...23:27(24:57); 44. Lloyd Walerczyk...m...32...23:37; 45. Lynn Martorell...f56...23:53....34:08; 46. Gayle Schaub...f45...23:54(31:24); 47. Romeo Riley....m11....24:05(26:05); 48. Isaac Unlanowicz...m15...24:17; 49. Jacob Tice...m22....24:22; 50. Sarah Flinsky...f13...24:25(30:25); 51. Roger Mulder...m...69....24:28(32:58); 52. Steve Stegink...m58...24:31(29:31); 53. Patrick McCarthy...m40...24:40(25:25); 54. David Hulst...m61...24:44(30:29); 55. Michael Reed...m54...25:13(29:13); 56. Jen Lindsay...f29...25:15(30:15); 57. Don Hendrikson...m49....25:20(27:50); 58. Kori Dawson...f14...25:31(31:31); 59. Tim Leonard...m42...25:45(26:55); 60. Shelby Noxon...f29...26:05(31:05); 61. Kelly Boprie...f25....26:20(31:20); 62. Marbeth Hendrickson...f49...26:26(34:54); 63. Ken Holda....m27....26:31; 64. Joe Butkus....m31...26:43; 65. Rebecca Belinski...f30...27:47(33:47); 66. Hillary Hunt...f24....28:05(33:05); 67. Diane Hake...f61...28:17(40:17); 68. Pat DeHaan...f51...28:23(37:53); 69. Clair Holstege...m58....28:33(33:33); 70. Lindsay Carrier...f29...28:33(33:33); 71. Charity...f33...28:48(34:46); 72. Sue Liddie...f62...28:46(41:16); 73. Amanda Riley...f17...28:47(33:47); 74. Joe Baldes...m32..29:27; 75. Kalyn Pond...f15...30:01(35:01); 76. Rachel Jansen...f31...30:16(36:16); 77. Rachel Staffer...f20...30:23(35:23); 78. Barb Jansen...f54...30:25(40:10); 79. Kate McCarthy...f37...30:37(36:37); 80. Walt Schaub...m13...31:29(33:29); 81. Wally Ypma...32:14(47:14); 82. Alyson Snyder...f36...32:21(38:21); 83. Shawn M...m34...31:30; 84. Dave Doyle...m55...32:35(36:50); 85. Chuck Dawson...m79...32:55(46:25); 86. Alicha Cribbs...f27...32:57(37:57); 87. Tom Kuzner...m34...33:03; 88. Brian Hunt...m44...33:07(34:37); 89. Michele Larkin...f32...33:38(39:38); 90. Candy McKenney...f25...33:41(38:41); 91. Sue Ferrell...f59...34:58(45:58); 92. Dawn Klein...f54...36:30(46:15); 93. Lisa Westenbroek...f45...36:53(44:23); 94. John Carrier...m26...37:17; 95. Cindy Wright...f50...39:33(47:18); 96. Suzanne Conners...f26...41:28(46:28); 97. Corrie M...f35...42:07