BEAT the GRANDMA 5K   Age/Gender Handicap Time Standards Race Links 2015 RESULTS DIRECTIONS  Official Entry Form COMMENTS Photo Gallery 2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2016  PIC 2017 2018  2019  2020 

Union High School, 1800 Tremont blvd., Grand Rapids, MI 49504...GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN

The race is at Union High School, 1800 Tremont Blvd. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Open Race Day Registration starts at 8 a.m. and the first runner leaves the starting line at 9 sure to check your bib number to see what your starting time is and be at the start line ready to go. 

If you are a pre-registered runner then you just need to get your packet at the start line and your race tag will be safety pinned to your bag.   Good Luck Runners.